Another year, and still more changes.
I know, I’m not very good at keeping this blog updated, but
I could not see the point in having a long running commentary about my life. No
thanks. But even still, I have a blog, might as well use it a bit.
My views on military life has not changed, in fact I am
finding I like it more and more. Like any path in life, there are bits I
dislike, but like all others I get over it and move on.
I was actually looking back at some of my previous posts…It
was horrifying to see so many grammar errors and…how different my attitude was
back then. The amount of complaints and similar bits in my Vacation postings
was horrifying, and then my physical condition…well that left much to be
desired. Thankfully Military sorted out the physical…mostly. As for my
writing…well I get better at that as time goes on and I learn.
From my last post I will state I did finally leave Tech
School and am now doing my actual job. There are bits I dislike, but like
stated earlier that is the same no matter where you go. But for the most part I
do greatly love what I do. Even on the days where it seems I don’t, I do. It’s
a weird thing, but it works for me for the most part.
I have more than just my actual job to do. Even as a
military they expect you to advance within your job, it takes work and while I
have advanced in some areas there are others I am still working on. But once
that is done, I will have some room to breathe and concentrate a bit more on
some of my personal goals.
That is another thing I am liking, the military wants you to
set and achieve personal goals. They see it as the best way for you to advance,
for as you excel in your personal life, you will be able to bring what you have
back to the force and improve all. And also so that when you leave, you are
more set up and ready to go.
Now some of my goals aren’t so academic in that regard.
One, technically two and currently the most expensive, is to
fix up my vehicles. Yes that S is meant to be there, I own two vehicles. One
kept dying on me thanks to bad electronic jobs; the other has a broken piece
(it is still drive able, I just need to mind how I drive) that I got when I
became fed up with the electric problems. Though recently the one with the
electric problems…while we figured out the source I decided to go and give it
some body damage and make it slightly more worrisome to drive until fixed (and
that is NOT cheap). So that needs done…
The other is slightly better and a bit longer term, I am
aiming to build a really good desktop computer. It’s going to be awhile, but I
have no problem with that, I planned on that from the beginning.
I have several more goals laying around, some are more
academic others not so much. But it is life and I am working on it all.
Though given world events…I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to
achieve some of those goals.
*Warning: Inspirational
Styled Speech ahead. You have been warned*
A lot has happened in the last year, and even more is
coming. There is a lot I don’t keep track of, what I do is through the news
that I see at work (my home TV doesn’t like me at all), through family, or
through Facebook (and then I go and research after that just to figure it out
sometimes). But what I do see…we are having problems.
The rather bad Iran Deal (the idea is good but the
implementation was bad). The shootings throughout the country. The growing
strength of hostiles the world over. The growing unrest here at home.
It’s bad. And there are many, many times when I wonder how
long is it going to be when I have to be afraid to exit this base? When I have
to take worry if I’ll even be on this base tomorrow. When I really have to dive
into my training just to get through the day.
There are many days, when instead of joking with friends, I
worry about this and think, “What is coming? And when is it going to get here?”
Some say that is my job, and to a degree that might be true.
But I am still a person that wants to see the best in the world when I know it
is filled with horrors. I don’t want to have to think about who I know that
might be here one second and gone the next even though I just saw them a few
minutes ago and now their dead because of someone else’s decisions.
Others will say that is the world we all face. If so…you
don’t know the military.
To be a member of an armed force, to be a member of the
public services, that means that every day we got out and have a target painted
squarely at our backs.
Look at the last few months, weeks even. Policemen,
servicemen, shot for wearing a uniform, a target (And there are protest that
have encouraged this). Recruiting stations and a guard base in Tennessee,
attacked. All because they were servicemen who chose to service so that others
may live peaceful lives. We wear the Target, so that you have the opportunity
to not see the horror.
And when the public sees the horror…they only see a small
portion, sometimes the most horrifying and least common…and things get worse.
From such a small snapshot, a snapshot that doesn’t always show the whole
picture, the world darkens just a little more
I live in a dark world, a darker world that most even
realize, and I fear, almost feel, it getting darker. But I will cling to the
light I have left with all I have and I WILL fight for it! For though I have a
target on my back, I am a member of the United States Military, and this target
will not go silently into the night, I will fight with all I have to keep that
light. For if I have light within me, no matter how small, no matter how
fragile, I can share with it others so that they too may come out of the
darkness and see the beauty in this world and in its people.
Some say that we are moving forwards as a country.
But how can we when we strike those who strive to protect
How can we when we chose to only look at what we hear and
see from the small snapshot and not truly look at the full picture to
understand what is REALLY going on?
How can we be moving forward when all we are doing is
looking behind us and living in the past?
How can we? When we really should be looking at those around
use, and work with them to heads towards the future, to tomorrow!
It’s a dark world out there, and I’m just one light fighting
with all my might to hold back the darkness. I know there are others, but we
all shine in different colors and different shades, and many do not shine
together. We few strive to hold back the darkness together when we find each
Much like the old saying goes "United we
stand, divided we fall.” So to do our lights, by ourselves we will hold as
long as we can, but we will eventually be stuffed out.
Be it from giving up the fight, from falling from grace,
from misguided paths, from losing the will to continue on, or to taking that
last load and being stuffed out completely.
I stand with the few lights I can find, and we’ll strive to
keep back the darkness, but we are few. I know there are more out there, and if
enough came forward we would shine like a star in that darkness. Casting light
into the far reaches of the world, showing a beautiful image. And though we may
fade, like a star, the death of one star gives rise to many more, so while we
fade the younger generations will shine where and when we cannot.
I hope more will join us, you need not be a service member
to be a light. Merely a positive voice, inspiring others to do what is right,
not from a small snapshot, but from the whole picture. A picture gained from
looking for all the facts and not taking everything at face value. By being a
good person, one who cares and supports for those around them as best they can.
I fight this darkness by protecting you, but you are my fuel
source. You are the reason I keep shinning in this darkness. I cannot do this
alone, so please don’t make me. Shine with me, and help us show those around us
that they darkness they see, that surrounds them, is fleeting. Partake in them
some of your light, the light I hope I have shared with you, so that we may all
stop living in the past, and starting moving towards tomorrow. A beautiful
tomorrow lit up by the light a star.
*Inspirational Styled
Speech done*
Now, with the inspirational portion of my mind complete. I
look forward to the future, while enjoying today. I have done a few things here
and there to stay busy, and I have been working towards my goals more and more.
I will TRY to do better at updating these. Heck it might make get my head back
into the many stories I’ve fallen out of typing lately, I do hope.
But until I post again, I wish you all happy reading, and a
good life. Shine on.