Saturday, September 6, 2014

Over a year...

Been a long time, I haven’t really felt the need to type something like this. But right now my mind is awash in a sea of words and thoughts. Many venturing back as far as my last post. A Post made many months over a year ago. And much has changed in that year.

The main change is what I feel the biggest of importance. I had eluded to it several times during that long list of posts but never said it. Now I can and will, in February of 2014 I joined the United States Air Force.

The joke amongst several other branches is that we are “the chair force.” I can sort of shrug and say, “Depends on your job.” Though I will easily say that Basic was no joke. It may have been the shortest of the branches, but that did not make it easier.

When a person joins the USAF they are still joining the military. There are standards, honors, traditions and images we have to uphold. This means we have to learn what it means to be a military person. Some honestly cannot stand it, they break and leave. Others find that while their mind is in it, their body refuses to let them and breaks down or just won’t work the proper way, they too leave.

But for those that stay through it all, those that stick around even after getting injured, those that can suck it up and make it through…we are the ones that gain the honor to call ourselves members of the United States military. A mighty group of men and women who give many years of their lives so that others can have a much more peaceful life.

Basic may not have been has I had imagined it, but it was what it had to be. And to any who read this and think about joining…well I hope this helps make up your mind.

From the moment we got there, all were put to standards. All were put to orders and guide lines. It can be said that only those that have gone through basic can ever describe what it is like. If someone else tells you that did not go, then they don’t really understand. Each branch is different but Basic Training has only a few goals: Strip you of your “civilian”, discipline you, and fill your mind with the basic knowledge you will need for your military life, and sometimes beyond.

I can and will say, the succeeded. I notice it near every day. Sure we there are those that seem less so, but for the most part, it keeps.

Even still…each basic experience is different, mine was a tad unlucky. I was part of the last group to get to the “gather” point let’s call it. There were a few problems with different things happening. And lastly…I got to be part of one of the last flights to get sent to the place we would call hope for the next eight weeks. It was late for me, but for others it would be considered extremely early in the day, and there was much to do before we were finally able to get to sleep.

One major misconception about basic is that they don’t let you get enough sleep. Completely wrong. First night the Flight I was a part of got in late, we slept until almost lunch, played havoc on my internal clock and thus kept waking up throughout that time. And even after, all of the weeks later we got a time slot where we had the chance to get plenty of sleep. If we got a full night of sleep was a different matter. There were a few jobs we had to do at night, but thankfully those were shifts allowing us to very who was up at those times and still get plenty of overall sleep.

I will admit basic did involve a lot, a lot, of yelling. For different reasons over time, a stupid mistake here, a constant mistake there, a point that simply needed to be made, and even disappointments that should not have happened. I will admit my flight was cocky, and it bit us in the butt so many times. Some of us broke down, I am man enough to admit I broke down at least twice. We got frustrated with each other, we made friends, and we learned to work like a well-oiled machine with even those we hated.

No joke on that last bit, there were several of us that did not like each other for one reason or another. But we figured out how to deal with each other and when it came time to actually work we worked well. If you had looked at us a few times when we were working you would have assumed we were friends with how well it went. But no, it was a simple understanding of the sooner we get this done the sooner we can catch a break. The Sooner we get this done, the closer we are to moving on. The better we did, the less we got yelled at, and the sooner we got to see our families. The better and sooner we did everything, that was what dove us. Knowing with each day was a closer step to leaving.

We were told the fastest way out of basic is to graduate, and we all agreed. So if you ever go, go with your all and remember what you are doing. For those that lose it…you are stuck so much longer. Head the words of your Big Brothers and Sister for they have learned tricks and passed them on, and you shall do the same. That is the way of basic, and the rewards…well I have yet to complain too much.

And then once done with basic it was time for Tech school. Each one varies in length depending on what needs done. I got a tad unlucky and got hit with one of the longest ones. But hey, I get closer to the end with every day. And there are benefits to being here.

And it is here that I express to you these words. I’ve been here since the end of April, still in Texas much like basic was. My only complaints…the heat and the weather. I can stand the heat for a bit as long as I am not in uniform, those things seem to increase it way to much….must be the cargo pants. But the Weather…Lighting within five miles of base locks us in. And then when we had tornado warnings…good god the stupidity and “WTF is going one” are enough to make me aggravated. Thankfully it was not too bad or too much, though at the time it seemed bad.

That is something that one must do to survive life it seems, look at things with a certain perspective. Take a step back and look back, at the time something may seem bad but then as you look at it later it does not. I guess that is part of life, and something needs to be worked on for many of us. Either that or I’m getting philosophical.

But right now, as I learn what it takes to do my job. What it takes to put it to us and protect those that protect us. To let my brothers and sisters in arms know what is going on in the world from a view up high. That is and will be a feeling I will adore and be a part of as I move on from in here in one more month.

Though…I really am ready to be out of TEXAS!! I’ve had enough of this state! That is probably the only thing that has really shined a downer on my life here…but to put in perspective I can life a happy life if you simply put a computer in front of my face, with games and internet access. But hey it is who I am, and while there are things I would want to change, I am who I am.

Well, I think I’m coming to a close for today, I’m feeling content with what I got. Maybe I’ll post more later, maybe it’ll be about a topic someone wants me to talk about. It all depends, have something you wish for me to think about the let me know, my brain is always running.

But right now…If I was to summarize what I feel like right now…Over a year since I last posted on this blog, and so much as changed.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you a good life…until I post again, good bye.

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