Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 10 Sunday 6/30

The day we go back on the road, and I start waking up around seven again. It feels sort of nice, but for some reason it means I am one of the firsts ones up, oh well. With being up means we get to slowly start getting ready to leave, which does take a bit considering we had to clean up and sort through things that had piled up during our several day stop in Oklahoma City.

Well anyways we all eventually got up. And in time, a bit after nine I believe, we were on the road. Our destination is a friend’s place that the computer says will take us near three hours to get to. But you need to remember, this is by our RV which travels slower than most drivers will normally go, so sadly while it can take a car an hour and a half to reach our destination, three hours is what we get. It is normal and boring, but when you travel this way you can do nothing but deal and enjoy the ride.

Eventually we stopped for some gas close to twelve, we decided to stop here since we were so close to our stop for the day. Want to know how close? A mile and a half, give or take a turn. Which that close of a distance I could almost run/jog between the gas station and the friends place and get there from to the other in about ten minutes, if I push myself to jog/run the whole distance.

In about ten-fifteen minutes we were gone again. At one point we missed our turn and had to turn back around, during that process I had a Déjà vu.

Well eventually we found or destination, but we became concerned about finding a place to park. The streets and layout were a bit cramp, so it was a bit…uncomfortable to try and figure out what to do. But after a bit of thinking, we got the RV parked and got to spending time with the family friend.

Of course we spent the rest of day, we even had dinner. The only thing to note about that time was the fact that the sun refused to go down. But in time like a good son it went down.

There isn’t much more to say about the night. It was like we were at home, but at a friend’s place. It really is nice to be relaxing here, and we will be here tomorrow as well. But after that, it is back to the road. But as to what we plan on doing? Well time will tell for it is a work day.

But for now, if you knock on wood or not is up to you. If you do, thanks we always need what comes with it.

Typed June 30, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 9 Saturday 6/29

I really hate to say it, but today was much like yesterday. You want to know the difference? It was a different day, the last day of convention, and several timings off.

What timings? Well there was the timing for when we went back to the RV to change. Then there was the wait for dinner….which was an hour and a half, very boring, and then the timing for when we came back to the RV to settle down for the night.

There is no joke there, today was that close to yesterday. But I can’t say it was boring, I had a good time at the last day of convention. And tomorrow we go back on the road, not much though and from here on it’s a lot of traveling one day then staying at the same place the next to explore and relax…I hope. So if you thought knocking on wood was done, think again, start knocking for we shall need it as we travel again.

Typed June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 8 Friday 6/28

I think I can now say that I have given up on trying to figure out my sleeping habits. The reason being, I slept in again, by another hour and half. I was sort of rushed awake, but not by much thankfully. Yes the convention is still going, and we made our appearance again.

Sadly I can’t say there was much of a difference from yesterday all together other than the places we ate, the fact that we stayed longer and a family friend dropped in.

There is one thing though….we went to a place and found out we had to wait THREE hours to be seated. We found that out and turned right around and went someplace else for dinner.

But yea…that was it. But it was still a good day, tomorrow may be different, but it is still convention so who knows.

Typed June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 7 Thursday 6/27

It seems I can only sleep in rarely, case and point, I woke up before seven again. I didn’t mind all that much, why? I was the only one up and I wanted to go for a jog, and I did. It was toasty sure, but it was nice enough that I was able to jog .5 miles straight….I think. Well it was close enough, and with one of the dogs along I didn’t mind it all that much. But the day I can jog a MILE straight, well that will get me happy.

Now after jogging I of course was back at the RV, so I got in and got myself comfortable for the morning, the family SLOWLY got up and we did a few different morning things, we didn’t feel like doing much and we weren’t going much of anywhere. Eventually though all were awoken.

And even though awake we got to relax, at least a little before we left. We had the convention after all, but by the time we got there it was lunch time, so we had our lunch at some Italian place. And something slightly interesting, our waiter was a Square dancer as well, and yet she had no idea the convention was going on. We had a good time talking with here and me and dad had some fun writing slightly random things on the paper that covered the table.

After lunch we walked over to the convention center, in the blasted heat, still not fun. And once there, well we went separate ways, I went to the Youth Hall and the rest went off and did different things. I did have some fun dancing the tips I did. Eventually I was dragged away though.

The dragging was to go find some dinner, which was at some odd place. What I got…well let’s just say it set my mouth on fire but it was good. And after dinner it was back to the RV to change into proper attire and right back at the convention center where we all separated yet again.

I spent the rest of the night in the Youth Hall, dancing several tips and eventually playing some Phase Ten, I had just pulled ahead when I was picked up by the family. As we were leaving I had to rush back to the hall to pick up a prize I had won, it wasn’t much just some speakers.

Well anyways after leaving it was again back to the RV were we dealt with the pets and settled in for night. A short day mostly but it was a good one, hope it the next ones stay like that.

Typed June 27, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 6 Wednesday 6/26

Oh what a fine morning this time around, I actually slept in…till about 8:30, then I sort of had a rushed wake up but I didn’t mind. We really didn’t do THAT much.

After waking up we hoped into the Van and drove to the nearby convention center, and in Oklahoma city…you ain’t got many choices. Well anyways we had to drop/set up something there so that was why we had to be up nice and early. We had to spend a good amount of time doing so, so much time in fact that we even got to go around and get some lunch…..crap I forget where that was…or right it was a Mexican place.

While at the Mexican place I got two types of food mixed up…don’t ask me to spell them out I would butcher them so badly spell check would curse at me.

Well anyways we had lunch and had to walk around, do a few things and them split. And I mean go separate ways. Mom and sister went into a meeting while Nana, Dad and me went to the Airport. No not to run away, though at times I wish. We went to pick up Grandmother, that took a good bit.

With her picked up we drove back to the convention center, did a few more things and then went off to a Memorial. Now normally I don’t mind going to these types of things, but let me get a few things straight: One, it was outdoors, Two it was sunny, three it was HOT. Thermometers marked it in the 90s but things were saying it FELT like 100s, and I AGREE! So long story short, I hated being there and LOVED when we got back in the car.

And with being back in the car we were off to lunch, how that much time had gone by I will never know. But anyways we had to drive a good bit before we reached dinner, but man was it good and cool.

Once done with that it was again back to the RV, where Mom, Dad, Sister and Nana got changed into some different close and was back to the convention center for…well I have no clue. Want to know why? Well I was back at the RV with Grandma relaxing and enjoying well relaxing…sort of. I will not go over that because it MAY cause some problems for myself…so shutting up about this…

On a different note we get to swing into the full blown event that we came here for, our National Square Dance Convention.  This goes from basically tomorrow till Sunday morning, so the RV is sitting tight, but don’t stop knocking on that wood, because we need all the luck we can get…I’ll tell you why when we get done with this…trust me it’ll be easier on us all if I DON’T think about it.

Typed June 26, 2013