Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 9 Saturday 6/29

I really hate to say it, but today was much like yesterday. You want to know the difference? It was a different day, the last day of convention, and several timings off.

What timings? Well there was the timing for when we went back to the RV to change. Then there was the wait for dinner….which was an hour and a half, very boring, and then the timing for when we came back to the RV to settle down for the night.

There is no joke there, today was that close to yesterday. But I can’t say it was boring, I had a good time at the last day of convention. And tomorrow we go back on the road, not much though and from here on it’s a lot of traveling one day then staying at the same place the next to explore and relax…I hope. So if you thought knocking on wood was done, think again, start knocking for we shall need it as we travel again.

Typed June 29, 2013

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