As has become my normal, up at seven, and this time I’m the
first one up. But sadly that came with a price, my back felt like it had a knot
the size of Texas, and I’m in Texas, go figure. Well we all woke up in good
time and got ready to leave.
Before we left we made sure to have a slight laugh at the
name of different places and how the computers and phones pronounced them.
And then were off, and we left early, 8:44.Yes we consider
that early. Though we did have to stop for has before even an hour went by, it
was 9:20 when we got to the gas station. And be back on the road ten minutes
later, with news that our budget is doing good.
At one point during our drive we had to stop for what
appeared to be construction. It was 10:25 so we didn’t mind all that much, it
was a tad annoying to just sit and wait thought, but we dealt. When we were let
through we found that they were remaking the road, the whole damn thing. And at
the point of crossing it appeared that as far as they got was stripping the old
road so it was bumpy. Eventually we reached a smoother part of the construction
area, and then the end, of sorts. They had only stripped so far so there was
much that was untouched beyond being watered down and marked off. But once we
reached the real end we continued on our way like nothing really happened.
Sadly we got to hit another construction effort about twenty
minutes later…But thankfully it didn’t take us very long to get through it. And
then a good bit after that we hit a THIRD construction sight, but again got
through it quickly.
In time we pulled over and had our lunch, it was on the side
of the road but we got an RV so we always got something to eat around here.
Well we have a good lunch after a few inside repairs we set off again.
We would stop again at almost two on the nose for gas. We
had a bit of trouble getting out of the station but we figured it out and went
right along with our drive.
After a few more hours, we FINALLY arrived at where we will
be staying for a good many days. We actually arrived at the campground 4:21.
But it took us a good long while before we could even get our spot thanks to
the fact that there was a line just to get one. Thankfully we thought ahead and
got reservations. But sadly this line….well it’s a line what can you expect. So
we settled in a bit and waited it out, what else could we do?
Well we eventually got our spot…and it was not the type of
spot we requested. Dad was NOT happy or in a good mood by any extension of the
word. But well we got a spot and settled the RV in, we’re going to be here a
while so we had little choice.
But setting up…all I can say is that Oklahoma is somehow
WORSE in its weather than Texas. That’s right we are in Oklahoma, and it feels
like I walked into a toaster oven when I walk out there. Different weather
things are saying it’s in the high 80s lower 90s, and with a good wind, but
with the sun…well it sure doesn’t feel like that. And then you go into the RV,
so much better. But sadly I can’t lock myself in it, so I just have to deal
with the crazy weather, then again who am I kidding? You get between the
mountains of west and the mighty Mississippi and you get a crap ton of heat.
Don’t ask me why it likes that area it just does, I sadly can’t really tell you
how high up it goes….I’ll say somewhere near Montana though is when it gets
cooler again…..probably because it has more rivers. Look I don’t know I just
it’s hot here and I don’t really care for it.
Well anyways, all set up and working things out, we got a
good WiFi here so that’s good. Well after all the setup we decided to drive
around. We went and took a look a few places we wanted to go to later and then
went for some dinner, it was a decently good place.
Once done with dinner we had to go and shop, again. Well
long story short we finished and came back to the RV and got about doing our
own thing. And had a peaceful night.
Sadly I don’t think tomorrow is going to be as peaceful as
today, we got a good amount of things lined up so it shall be busy, how busy?
We’ll well have to wait to find out.
Typed up June 25, 2013.
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