Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 11 Monday 7/01

Oh how I love waking up early in the morning. Well actually not really, but hey I woke up early, seven, again anyways. It actually took a bit to wake up for some reason, but once I was up I wasn’t going back to sleep so I went into the friend’s house.

It was a nice relaxing morning, the main brake was when me and the friend went off to pick up her dogs and then came right back. With the dogs now in the house, running around all over the place, it became a nice morning again.

After enough time we finally had something to eat. It was breakfast food but it was at lunch time….so I guess it’s brunch.

After hours of sitting on our butts or doing something else a few of us decided it was time for a swim in the Friend’s pool. Eventually got out, relaxed some more, had some dinner, then went back in. I know a lot of swimming but it is some fun stuff. The second swim was also at night so it was even more fun.

But eventually I got tired of swimming so I dried off went back in and spent the rest of the night reading.

Tomorrow we are back on the road again, and it’s a long drive, so start the knocking again. And I’ll see you then.

Typed July 1 and 2 2013

PS. Sorry for the delay in the post, I completely forgot about this last night.

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