Another sleep in, but this time it was only by an hour. Didn’t
do much just spent some time with the friend then got the RV ready. So I know a
very boring morning.
We were late at leaving, we left near 9:30. But once we took
to the road it was business as usual, sort of. I got cut off from the computer
for a bit so it took some time work on this, but I don’t mind. I mean I got a
whole tone of time.
Eventually while driving we got to go through the places in
the US that has some really bad cellphone service. Yet there is nothing you can
do when that happens except deal and keep on moving. So that’s what we did, and
eventually we were through the dead zone.
Close to one we had to stop for some gas. When we pulled up
we almost couldn’t find the station, it was hiding being buildings and cars.
But we found it anyways. And Then with gas done it was time for lunch. Mom made
the usual, but in an odd move me and grandma decided to go to the nearby Arby’s
and get something from there. But in no time at all we were back on the road
Eventually we pulled over into a semi rundown neighborhood to
apparently meet up with a cousin. And then left anywhere from a half hour to an
hour later. It was rather boring, but that was for me.
We were on the road for a good long while afterwards, until
of course we stopped again. Which was for gas again, the time around 6:30 and
back on the red about ten minutes later. We didn’t have to go far for our stop
for the night. We got a nice cozy spot quickly and settled in for the night.
Eventually though half of the family went out for a walk, to the store. And
while they were gone I got to fight with a setting on a website I use, and I
lost. No joke, I couldn’t get the thing to work how I wanted it…..and that was
Well after that lose I moved on and did other things.
Eventually the other half of the family got back and we soon had our dinner,
then got to doing a few different things before settling in for the night.
So today was…well a normal travel day. Tomorrow is expected to
be the same. That is right, more traveling. But then we get a day in the same
spot…I think. I’ll let you know when it rolls around. Until then, keep knocking
on wood.
As a PS. Dad is having "fun" rearranging the cabinet with all of our pots and pans. And I hate to say it, but it is sort of fun to watch and listen to.
Typed July 2, 2013
How does a gas station get lost?