Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 1 Friday 6/21

The first day of vacation is always a bit hectic. You have to run around the house to pack up whatever it is you are traveling in. For us, that means our RV. We’ve loaded this thing for so many trips it’s hard to count now, but for some reason, whenever we leave on vacation we worry more than normal and run around a tad more. That might be because we are going to be out for a good while longer that all other times we use the old bucket.

But I digress. We did have all sorts of things to worry about yes, but we did get out. It was near 4, but we did it. Though we didn’t go very far fast. We had a few stops to make first, and also to pick up another member of little group.

After that it was travel and after good time a stop at a gas station for, of course gas and a few food items. I sadly did not get the time on that one, but I can say it was close to seven.

I spent my time reading this and that, my mother sort of did the same thing and the other three…well they watched the road. And all for the rest of the drive, until we reached or destination around 11. Our stop for this day, the house of a relative in Arizona.

We did a quick set up, only power and then mostly powered off to bed. All in all, a boring and very normal first day of Vacation.

Typed up June 22, 2013

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