Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 8 Friday 6/28

I think I can now say that I have given up on trying to figure out my sleeping habits. The reason being, I slept in again, by another hour and half. I was sort of rushed awake, but not by much thankfully. Yes the convention is still going, and we made our appearance again.

Sadly I can’t say there was much of a difference from yesterday all together other than the places we ate, the fact that we stayed longer and a family friend dropped in.

There is one thing though….we went to a place and found out we had to wait THREE hours to be seated. We found that out and turned right around and went someplace else for dinner.

But yea…that was it. But it was still a good day, tomorrow may be different, but it is still convention so who knows.

Typed June 28, 2013

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