Thursday, June 20, 2013

Before we start again.

Well it's that time of year again.  School is out, myself graduated and we are getting ready for our vacation. The plan is for a three week this time, and I plan to have a comment about every bit of it.
That's right, I plan on restarting this blog. I realize I did a horrible job at keeping it up last time, or at least posting it all. I actually did write up a good portion of what happened, but I never got around to posting any of it. I am hoping this time around, I will do a far better job and get around to posting all that I type.

My overall plan is to type as we travel, and when we cannot use my phone or some other note taking item to note down critical times when we do something. Hopefully this will allow me to provide a better time frame and follow through of what we are doing.

But now, that is all I have to say. So I hope you all join me and the family as we proceed through May Family Vacation 2013!

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