Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 20 Wednesday 7/10

Surprisingly wake up was a bit late today. Not by much but enough to notice, but it wasn’t that much of a problem. The simple thing is that after waking up it was getting ready for a LONG day of driving in the van.

And I am not kidding, we spent darn near the whole morning and afternoon driving around in that van of ours. Our few stops for were photos and later lunch, and one other thing I’ll talk about later.

On one of the stops though I did have some fun. My mom sort of goaded me into climbing a small rock face and try to get to a little ledge. I didn’t decent, was able to stand next to the ledge, but not get in ledge, I just couldn’t get a good hand grip or foothold, good thing to because getting down was WAY harder than getting back up. But it was still a fun thing to do, I even rediscovered how good your palms can be when climbing up and down a difficult item.

But sadly that was the only fun thing we did, for driving was boring, extremely so and eventually…we got a flat. That is right, the first flat of our trip was in the Van. A tad abnormal because normally the flat is on the RV and we got tires ready for that, but nope the Van decided to go and get a little tiny whole that I could cover with my thumb in a place that can’t actually be repaired. So needless to say we had to pull over and put on the temporary for a bit, until we got to town and then dropped into the local car shop and got two new tires, for the tires on that Van really needed them.

Personally I hate changing tires, it is usually hot, and the tires extremely uncomfortable move. But I admit there is little that can be done about. But right now, I just feel like complaining, sorry.

Well anyways when the Van was done with its repairs we dropped by the RV did a few things then went to dinner, had dinner of course then came back and settled into a normal evening.

Tomorrow is a travel day, a quick one to my understanding. I don’t know how much I can actually say about that when it comes, but then again, I’ve found out things can be longer than I thought before.

And by the way Chris, No we did not see fireworks that day, we did see them before we left Oklahoma  though.

Typed July 10, 2013

1 comment:

  1. I was knocking everyday there Bud, sorry that it eventually happened. But like I said to your mom, at least it was the van and not the RV!
